State Associations

Through its network of State Associations, Stormwater Australia has members in all Australian states and territories. Individual state associations are generally incorporated bodies under local jurisdictions, with a management committee that guides activities of importance to the individual States.

State associations promote the sharing of knowledge and ideas through a program of seminars, state conferences, awards and events. Increasingly, advocacy and the building of strategic partnerships are seen as an important role for state associations. The network ‘umbrella’ provided by Stormwater Australia allows states to influence, coordinate and advocate on key issues at the national level.

New South Wales (SIA NSW)

Stormwater NSW links the diverse and multi-disciplinary interests of the Stormwater Industry in NSW and the ACT and represents them at both a state and national level.


Stormwater Queensland is an
incorporated not for profit association
that seeks to facilitate effective
stormwater management by providing
leadership, representation and services
to its members and the wider
stormwater industry.

Stormwater South

Stormwater South Australia's mission is to assist in the development of a sustainable stormwater industry for the greater benefit of its members and the broader public.

Stormwater Victoria

Representing mainly Victorian practitioners,
Stormwater Victoria is active in running seminars,
annual excellence awards, an annual tour and AGM.
Currently, Stormwater Victoria accepts Tasmanian
members while the interest in stormwater management
in that state grows.

Stormwater Western Australia

SIAWA is a non-profit Industry association that
promotes sustainable urban water management
through the management of stormwater. It draws its
membership from local government, product suppliers,
engineering professionals and the wider
consulting industry.