SQIDEP Independent Evaluation/Auditors Panel

Suitably qualified professionals are invited to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to hold a position on the Stormwater Australia Stormwater Quality Improvement Device Evaluation Protocol (SQIDEP) Independent Evaluation/Auditors Panel (IEP).

Closing Date and Time: 5:00 pm AEST on Friday 4th March 2022 (extended)

(Due to the extreme weather events occurring now on the East Coast of Australia, applications will be accepted up until 31st March 2022)

For more information click here. To download the form under the heading ‘Call for Expressions of Interest’, please see this webpage.

Cath Thrupp

CEO of CarbonPlanet, a Brisbane-based company creating a new Metaverse and Blockchain platform to connect investors to their
on-ground catchment and sustainability projects. She is an aquatic ecologist and catchment manager, who has over twenty years of experience delivering major water and natural resource projects within the private, public & non-profit sectors. Cath also
undertakes water advisory work, with a focus on water innovation, strategy and digital water solutions.

President & Chair

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